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Matt Levenson - University City, MO
“I have worked out alone, or with friends in college since I was 18 years old. I am 43 years old now. During those 25 years, there was only one 5-year period in which I did NOTHING from a physical fitness perspective. Point is, I’m no stranger to the gym. But like a lot of everyday people whose career is not fitness itself, I got busy with life – growing business, getting married, having children, paying for mortgages. I also got fat. In my lifetime, I have lost more than 20 pounds – twice. Riding the roller coaster of being thin or fat, fit or not. Circumstance did not do this to me, I made choices that have consequences. At the start of 2005, I made a choice to get fit again. I lost 23 pounds in the first 6 months of that year – for the second time in my life, I alone got the desired results through diet and exercise. As the years wore on, so did the boredom, fatigue, and plateauing of my routines and results. I ended 2010 weighing roughly the same as at the start of the prior 2 years. I wanted to make a change, reduce that last 5 pounds, strength up that core, increase my endurance and overall strength – but, after 25 years of working out, I knew I needed something – someone? – greater than me alone. I watched personal trainers in my gym provide services to their current clients for over a year. I defined for myself through their experiences what I did and did not want in a personal trainer/client relationship. Look, we all have different personalities, needs, and wants. What I saw was one individual, Cason, who seemed not only to align with my expectations – but universally with each of his many diverse clients’. I approached Cason late in 2010 about enlisting his services. We continue to laugh over my naivety about the personal training dynamic during that first session. I said, “Look, I just need someone to teach me what to do a couple times, then I’ll probably scale back to once in a while with you while I apply what I learn on my own”. Despite my attitude of wanting to go it alone again, he took me on as a client and worked with me to get started. After all, I thought, I’ve been doing this for 25 years, I have the self-discipline to average 3-5 sessions/week in the gym, have trained with competitive body builders and power lifters, how much can Cason really add value? Whoa! Was I wrong! Cason is vital to my current achievement level. Training just twice a week, 1 hour per session with Cason has changed my life. Not only have I developed core strength and stability (none pre-existed our relationship), and endurance, but I have changed my eating habits, and along the way made an excellent new friend. Cason is my health and fitness guide and mentor. He keeps me focused and disciplined where I am weak. He encourages and motivates me, without being demeaning or “harsh”. He won’t let you quit, but he will allow you to work within your capabilities and help you expand them. Without any reservation: I highly recommend Cason and all that he has to offer to EVERYONE.”
Rebecca Salem - Missouri
"I started working out with Cason about 7 years ago when I was 31 years old. He spotted me toiling around the gym and approached me about why I didn't have a trainer. I told him I didn't need one and he challenged me to one work out with him once, on the house, and then make that statement. I made it exactly 10 minutes into the workout before I had to stop. I hired him on the spot. We worked out for about two years after that. Not only did my body transform but so did my life. I learned that being healthy is not just about your physical body but your mind and spirit as well. I was in the best shape of my life and felt stronger than I ever had. He also taught me that when you are strong in your heart and mind you can do anything. His advice and wisdom has stayed with me all these years. We don't work out together currently but my husband and I still consider him a good friend. I would be remiss if I didn't mention that Cason also has one of the best senses of humor of anyone I have ever met. I used to joke with him that the reason I had such good abs is because I laughed from the time we started until the time we stopped! I look forward to working with him again in the future."